5 Friday links # 13

by Steve Verlinden 5 Friday links 2015-06-12
5 Friday links # 13

Hello guys, today we are happy to relaunch our blog post serie "5 Friday links". As our team grows, we try and use a lot of new tools every weeks, we also read a lot of great blog posts so we want to share all that stuff with you.

Every friday, 5 links, quick and simple to read! To never miss our future posts, we invite you to follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

We have talked enough, check out this week links:

  • pdfmake. Client/server side PDF printing in pure JavaScript
  • Octopus. Octopus is a better way to do Database Sharding in ActiveRecord. Sharding allows multiple databases in the same rails application.
  • bower-rails. Bundler-like DSL + rake tasks for Bower on Rails.
  • ngStorage. An AngularJS module that makes Web Storage working in the Angular Way. Contains two services: $localStorage and $sessionStorage.
  • Clusterize.js. Tiny plugin to display large data sets easily.
Steve Verlinden

About the Author

Steve Verlinden has a master in Computer Science. He founded Dandy Coding to build a company that delivers quality web applications with the best available technologies.

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